Next Level Ab Training

by Metabolic Meals

by Metabolic Meals

Updated Dec 15, 2023

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There is A LOT of misinformation out there when it comes to abdominal training. It seems that every other infomercial you see has a faster, easier way to have a ripped stomach. Just a friendly reminder that if it was easy, you would see a lot more shirtless people walking around!

While we can’t promise fast and easy, we can promise you that the following information is very EFFECTIVE.

Here is some information that you may not know about abdominal training along with three of our favorite exercises to strengthen the core:

  • The abdominal muscles are made up of a high percentage of fast twitch fibers. This ratio of fibers responds better to higher intensity exercises for multiple sets. More challenging ab exercises performed for 8-20 reps are far superior to endless sets of crunches.
  • The abdominal muscles tend to recover quickly which means they can be trained frequently. For faster results, train them 3x per week.
  • Your abs are designed for more than just flexion. Statically holding positions and resisting rotation is a much more common daily task for the “core muscles”.
  • Excess use of traditional crunches causes an imbalance between “core muscles” while overtraining the Rectus Abdominis in the shortened position.
  • Understand that the “core muscles” should work together by contracting specific muscles in the right amounts at the right times. The abdominal muscles rarely isolate and in most cases work in unison with the low back, lats, hips and glutes.

Now that you’ve learned some abdominal “fun facts” the following exercises will probably make a lot of sense. These are much more difficult than traditional “core exercises” so please consult a professional if you’re unsure how to perform them.

Plank/Row Combo

Note: Perform 4x 12-20 reps. Alternate sides each set.

Anti-Rotation Cable Press

Note: Perform 4x 12-20.

Hanging Knee Raise with Straight Leg Eccentric

Note: Perform 3-4x 8-12 reps. * Eccentric lowering should be 4 seconds.

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